Shahala Cell Phone Policy

Shahala Cell Phone, Headphone, and Personal Electronic Device Policy

This year, we are continuing our school-wide cell phone, headphone, and personal device policy. There is a great deal of research that shows the negative impact of cell phone use at school. Students who are not distracted by phones during class have both better academic and social outcomes.

In summary, students will not be able to use phones, headphones, smart watches, or personal devices during class time OR in hallways during passing periods. Students WILL be able to use their phones before school until the first bell rings at 9:30 AM, after school when the last bell rings at 4:05 PM, and during their OWN grade level lunch time ONLY in the Commons/Cafeteria or outside. Click here to view our bell schedule.

During the appropriate times, students can still view messages like, “Don’t forget to ride the bus home today.” Parents with an urgent need to contact their student during class time should call Shahala’s front office at (360) 604 – 3800. We will help you reach your student quickly. Or, parents can call the school and we will deliver messages, reminders, and bus notes to students. Students may also come to the front office with permission from their teacher to call or text parents.

General Rules


Classroom and Front Office Rules

Silent and Away means:


Consequences for Violating Cell Phone Policy



Email administrators (view Shahala Staff page) or call the Main Office: (360) 604 - 3800

Cell Phone Policy Posters