Family Resource Room  

Transition Coach and Family/Community Resource Coordinator

Houston Dillard

Call (360) 604 - 3800 and ask for my extension. Or, visit me in room 302!

Big Smiles Dental Visit

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sea Mar Community Health Center for All Families

Located at Evergreen High School

Free / Reduced Cost Benefits for Qualifying Families

Even though Evergreen schools have a Federal Grant for all students to receive a daily free breakfast and lunch this 2024-25 school year, there are additional benefits your students may be missing out on! 

Child Nutrition Services (CNS) has a family income survey that can help you GET MORE BENEFITS, including:

The CNS Benefit Application, is available to fill out in any of these ways:

You may turn in completed forms to your student's school in the front office, deliver them to the Administrative Service Center, or mail them to the district office (PO Box 8910, Vancouver, WA 98668).

If you have questions about benefit eligibility, menus, dietary accommodations or anything else that our fantastic Child Nutrition Services team can help you with, please email or call (360) 604 - 4034.


CNS Benefit Application Flyer_English.pdf


CNS Benefit Application Flyer_All.pdf


CNS Benefit Application Flyer_Spanish.pdf


CNS Benefit Application Flyer_Russian.pdf