Shahala Middle School

🦅 Welcome to the Nest! 🦅

Important Information

Main Office Phone Line: (360) 604 - 3800

Attendance Phone Line: (360) 604 - 3805

When calling to excuse an absence, Press 1 to leave a voicemail on our attendance line. We do receive and listen to all messages. Please allow 24 hours for our attendance secretary to enter the absence into our system.

Attendance Email:

School year office hours: 8:45 AM - 4:45 PM

School hours: 9:35 AM - 4:05 PM

Early Release Days (not every week) 9:35 AM - 1:50 PM

January 8 (Wednesday Early Release)

January 15 (Wednesday Early Release)

January 20: NO SCHOOL, MLK Jr. Day

January 24: NO SCHOOL, Semester Break Day

January 31: NO SCHOOL, Teacher PD Day

🍎Daily Breakfast Time 9:20 - 9:30 AM 

One breakfast and one lunch are FREE for all students each day during the 2024-25 school year. Students can pay for additional snacks or drinks during their lunch period. Extra fruit (apples, bananas, raisins) are available to grab in the cafeteria daily. 

🥪Food Deliveries: We do not accept 3rd party food deliveries or mobile phone orders for students.📱❌

📆Middle School Calendar📆

🕓Middle School Bell Schedule🕓

Contact Information and Quick Links

School Address: 601 SE 192nd Ave., Vancouver, WA 98683   

Mailing Address: PO Box 8910, Vancouver, WA, 98668-8910

School Year Office Hours: 8:45 am - 4:45 pm 

Main Office Phone: (360) 604 - 3800 

Fax: (360) 604 - 3802

Attendance Voicemail: (360) 604 - 3805

Attendance Email: 

Head Principal: Lori Hettman

Associate Principals: Scott Eschels, Melissa Youmans

Counselors: Lisa DeGrenier, Randal Lang 

Family Resource Coordinator: Houston Dillard

Registrar: Nicole Rakoz

Registration, Enrollments, and Withdrawals Email:

Want to Volunteer?

🚍 How To Find Your Bus Stop 🚍

Questions? Call or Email Transportation

(360) 604 -  4950

All Parents and Guardians: Join ParentSquare Today!

Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:

Highly Capable Program

Register your 6th-7th grade student for testing today on Parent Square under the "Forms" Tab. Open registration ends November 25, 2024.

Questions? Contact either or 

🚍 Firstenburg Youth Opportunity Pass 🚌

City Residents: Free / No Cost

Non-Residents: $49

Passes will go on sale Monday, August 19th. Passes are valid beginning September 3rd, 2024 through May 31st, 2025.

Questions? Visit the City of Vancouver Youth Opportunity Pass website below.

Support Shahala and show your school spirit!

Check out the link below!

Submit Yearbook Photos!

Submit your photos from school events here for a chance to be included in the 24-25 Yearbook!

Help us take photos of our students for the yearbook at school activities, music events, and sport games. For these and any other photos of school-related events or club activities, please submit them via the link below! Or, email

Photo Company: Bell Imaging (503) 556 - 5232

Eagles Facebook

School Calendar

Shahala "The Nest" Student Announcements

Every Shahala student has access to "The Nest" - our Shahala Student Life Canvas page on their dashboard for announcements and school-wide information. They should be checking it at least once a week for Important Info. You can also access our school Library through The Nest and more features will be added later.

Chromebook image

Student Chromebooks and Lockers

The district's chromebook plan for students has changed--classroom carts no longer exist. Shahala has switched back to a 1-to-1 model where each student receives and is responsible for their own device on loan from the district, which they now MUST bring back and forth from HOME TO SCHOOL EACH DAY.  Students have also been loaned a charger to keep the device CHARGED EVERY NIGHT.

Also, we will not be using school lockers in the main academic hallways unless there is a pre-defined accommodation that needs to be made for a student’s individual health plan.

Reach Out for Help

If you, your student, or a member of the Evergreen Public Schools community is being subjected to harassment, intimidation or bullying, please report your concern by one of the following methods:

Call the Shahala Main Office at (360) 604 - 3800  We will transfer you to a staff member who will document your report, answer your questions, and determine next steps.

Ask for Help

If you need to talk to someone right away, please do. There are people who care, listen, and help.

Text HOME to 741741

Crisis Textline Website Link


Teen Talk Website Link

Dial 988

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Website Link